for some reason i cant remember i decided to watch the blade trilogy. i did it a bit out of order though, i started with the second one, then third, and finally the first one. i like the series, so it was kind of cool to watch them all with in the same same day or two. here are a few of my thoughts:
Blade- when i first saw this in college i remember thinking how awesome this movie was and how amazing the action was! its strange what a few years can do to your perspective... this is one of those movies that falls victim to the matrix 'shift' i wrote about
last post. the action was fast paced and exciting, except after the matrix it seems generic and a little lame. the 'blood bath' club scene at the beginning, which i have always looked back at as one of the coolest scenes in any vampire movie, even looks cheesy. the bad guy, deacon frost (stephen dorff) comes off as a total puff. i still enjoyed the movie, but it is not nearly as good as i always thought it was. oh well.
Blade II- the first time i saw this was in the theater. i fell asleep (granted i saw it on a weeknight at 11:00pm after a long day of work). it wasnt until it came out on video that i gave it another look. and wow, im glad i did! this is, in my opinion, the best of the three by far!!! the whole attitude and atmosphere of the first one was different- this was an action horror movie, not just an action movie. the unreal setting (which many people dont like) allows the film to go darker and deeper into the vampire culture. and those new creaures with their jaw-fangs still freak me out!!! the effects are better, the action is very exaggerated and over the top, but in a way that is believable within the films unreal context. the aspect of blade having to team up with the vampires and form a group of mercenaries on the hunt gives it a kind of uneasy 'seven samurai' feel to it. also, the way the bad guy effects are done, they are very off handed and little attention is paid to them- which makes them more believable and almost scarier. the director went on to do 'hellboy' which is one of my favorites! i just really loved rewatching this film. to be honest, i watched this one twice in a row, once just watching, and the second time with the director commentary, and i look forward to watching it again soon to hear the other commentary on the disk! i must say, if you havent seen blade II you are really missing out!
Blade Trinity- crap. i really wanted to like this one, its got ryan reynolds in it, whom i still totally love from 'two guys and a girl' as berg, and its got the hottest chick on earth: jessica biel. so, its got a lot going for it, but for some reason it just plain sucks. this is the 'batman and robin' of the blade series. i dont know what went wrong, maybe it was the first time director (who actually wrote all three films), or maybe it was the complete change of direction from action to action/comedy that brought it down. i dont know. one of its problems is that its on about the same level as 'alien vs. predator'. nothing creative, nothing inspired. i mean, the movie starts out with guys in space suits finding a hidden mystery in an ancient pyramid- how cheesy and generic can you get?!? all that being said, i would actually love to see a 'nightstalkers' movie with reynolds and biel. that would be cool. just dont let this guy direct it...