here comes the boom

ok, i know full well that this is not a good movie.  i went in with the understanding that this is not the best film that cinema has to offer.  with that foreknowledge, i must say, i rather enjoyed it.  i've got a bit of a sweet spot in my heart for kevin james, being a larger man myself, i always find myself cheering on other larger guys no matter what.  well, this movie finds kevin james as a teacher trying to raise some money to keep the arts at his school.  now they have hit my sweet spot: i'm a teacher, a kevin james fan, and i have a degree in art.  im pretty sure that my opinion can be declared invalid at this point, and i know it.  the main plot of the film revolves around james' character making the decision to become an MMA fighter.  not being a sports fan, this was, to me, the part of the movie that i didnt care as much for.  for me, i could have just watched an entire movie about kevin james as a teacher and been all set!  the problem with the film is that it follows every single cliche about the underdog sports film as well as every cliche from any adam sandler produced comedy, and does very little else.  i know, but james is so likable that the fact that its bad just kind of melts away- and its got henry winkler!  there's no way i can stand up against that sort of charisma power!  over all, i know its not that great of a movie, its completely predictable and bland, but i rather enjoyed it none the less.  perhaps that makes me a bad movie critic, but i dont care.