hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy

last night i was able to pick up my cheap copy of hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy. i saw it once in the theater and actually enjoyed it. just before it came out in the theater i quickly read through the book (its actually a really fast read, i think it took me three days) so i had a good idea what to expect. since i had only read it the week of the movie release, it didnt give me enough time to become a bitter and hardened douglas adams fan. so when i saw the movie i didnt mind the story changes at all. actually, i though some of the changes were the best parts of the film. ( i thinks thats probably because the zaniness and funny stuff i had already read. you know, like hearing a great joke the second time- its still funny, but not as good as the first time). all in all i thought it was a fun little sci-fi film. i'm sure for those who were not familar with the story ahead of time they were probably a bit confused (thin and ridiculous plot and all) but i did not find that a problem. marvin the robot ruled.

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