king kong

this past saturday i finally saw king kong (i know its been out for many months, but i finally got off my butt and went to see it). i wasnt quite sure what to expect. when it first came out i was luke warm about it. sure, i knew i was expected to buy into the advertising hype, but i wasnt all that interested. i started reading reviews and they all seemed quite positive. a few buddies went to see it without me, so i figured i would pass on it.
this past weekend aaron was down and he was up for seeing it again and its till in the theater, so we went. my reaction: wow!!! i was not expecting to enjoy it as much as i did- it just blew me away. now, dont get me wrong, i was mostly amazed at the action stuff. the 'love' story was done well, but how drawn in can one get over the love of a monkey and a girl? ive heard alot of people saying that its too long. usually they site the boat ride for taking too long to get the story moving. many poeple were like 'i got to wait an hour before i even see kong? im out!'
i actually thought the opposite. the best part of the movie for me was the anticipation and first interactions with kong. i rather liked the build up of the characters on the boat. i would actually present the idea that the ending is too long. they could have shaved off a whole hour at the end. its would be as simple as this: the movie should stop as they take him off the island. all the best stuff happens on the island, after the fight with the three t rexes- everything else is a letdown. we already know the story, why not just focus on the first part of the story. everyone knows how it ends, so why bother retelling it, and instead just show the backstory.

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