inside man

i was quite pleasantly surprised. i was looking forward to this movie ever since i first saw that jodie foster was in it. (i will go see anything she is in. im not entirely sure why i have such blind faith in her, but i do) i am always a sucker for a good hiest movie, and from the previews this one looked to fit the bill.
the actors in it were really good. denzel actually had a part that bordered on comedy. he had a lot of great lines and funny responses to situations. clive owen was perfect as the calm cool and collected theif. the twists and turns were perfectly executed, some we knew were coming and that was ok, but the really big ones i thought were totally unexpected! the ending was very satisfying. the biggest problem i find with this type of movie, though, is the unsettling fact that we are suppossed to rooting for the bad guys to pull it off. it just seems wierd to hope they steal and dont get caught.
oh, and jodie foster is spot-on in her role (one that we dont see from her very often either)
my one quelm with the movie is this: spike lee (he directed it) cant leave a popcorn movie alone. he has to give it a message so that its 'meaningful'. he does that in this one, except really poorly. its obvious he wanted to add in some statement about culture, so he tacks on this terrible scene about one of the children in the movie playing a video game and clive own sees the game and complains about how 'video games are so violent and are corrupting the youth'. it was totally out of place and actually weakened the impact of a later scene.

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