horror movies

the other night i watched a movie called 'wolf creek'. if you are unfamiliar with it, its an australian horror film that came out a year or two ago. its about a few college kids who decide to take a road trip through australia. it all starts well and good, of course, but then their car dies and they rely on the kindness of a stranger to help fix it. only the stranger isnt too kind. it soon turns into a blood-and-guts free for all until the bad guy kills almost all of them.
this plot and style seem to be the latest style of choice for horror movies, and i just want to say that i dont particularly care for it. im not sure exactly when this gorefest became the new standard. i would guess around the time of 'saw'. before this, the popular style was remakes of japan horror movies that always involved a psycho child (usually a girl with black hair in her face) which is best exemplified in 'the ring', and 'the grudge'. but the new style seems to be more torture horror. the scares dont really come from a place of fear anymore, rather, it seems that the scare comes from disgust and uncomfortable situations. instead of the bad guy chasing the good guys, its a bad guy inflicting the most gruesome pain the screenwriter can think up. thats not horror, thats just gore porno.
the problem is, none of these movies are actually scary. they are creepy and unsettling, but they are not scary. i guess i just prefer scares over gross-outs.
maybe its just me. a lot of people seem to like these movies, so maybe i just dont get it. i did really like the movie 'saw', but maybe thats just because it was the first one to really dig into that style, and all the rest have just been returning (unsuccessfully) to that idea.

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