
last night i went to go see 'U23D'. its been playing here for a few weeks, and ive been interested in seeing it. i wasnt sure how much longer it will be around here, and its one that i definitely want to see on the big screen.
ive been a fan of U2 for quite a few years now. ive been told though that i am a fairly atypical U2 fan. i never really got into them during the 'joshua tree' phase, or payed much attention during the 'zooropa' or 'achtung, baby' era. im a one of those rare people who fell in love with there music from the album 'pop'. this is unusual because most U2 fans will strongly agree that 'pop' was their worst album ever. i would disagree, its the one that got me to join the U2 lovefest.
i was excited to experience the 3d effect of the concert film, and i was quite impressed! the 3d technology has improved greatly over the past several years, and i have been able to enjoy a couple of the films that have used this technology. ive seen 'the nightmare before christmas 3d' for the past two years now, and over the summer i partook in the amazing 3d 'beowulf'. ive seen the technology in action before, but this was the first time ive seen in with live footage. it was spectacular! the sight of a couple hundred thousand people all packed into a soccer stadium jumping up and down, clapping, and screaming, along with the rocking soundtrack of U2 was breathtaking! is the film rolled on i suddenly realized that i was bobbing my head, tapping my feet, smiling and singing along with out even noticing! there were only about 4 other people in the showing, so i didnt feel too embarrassed.
the 3d effect was amazing too! when they would show larry playing the drums you could see all the different drums and symbols at different depths. when the camera pans out into the crowd you can get a real sense of just how incredibly huge this stadium is. at one point we see a shot of everyone on the floor jumping up and down with the beat, and it is awesome (now, i dont mean awesome in the slang sense, i mean awesome in that it filled me with awe).
the songs were great, of course, and there was even a bit of a message about loving those who are different than you and trying to find a way to coexist with respect. my only complaint was that it was too short. it was only about 90 minutes long, they could have easily fit in a couple of songs off 'pop'...

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