
for some reason im still unsure of, i went to go see this one in the theater. i kind of knew it would suck, but i went anyway... the film is a first hand account, similar to 'blair witch project' or 'cloverfield', where a local tv reporter and cameraman are following a team of firefighters for the night. they get a call about a old woman having a medical emergency, so off they go. when they arrive they realize something isnt quite right. as they are trying to leave they are locked in and the police are outside quarantining the entire building. the characters dont understand what is going on, and since they dont know, neither do we.
they do a pretty good job of building tension and confusion with the situation. over the course of the time in the building things get stranger and stranger. the characters themselves are actually believable, and do a convincing job of trying to figure out whats up. rarely did the characters do things that were obviously stupid, which is usually the case in scary movies... the ending was a bit strange and doesnt really explain anything, but it sure was creepy!

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