ghost town

diana and i saw this one on the way to mexico on the flight. now, i know that doesnt really count as 'seeing' the movie, since they usually cut it up a ton and get rid of anything that might be considered even slightly offensive. but from what we did see, it was pretty funny, but instantly forgettable.
the story is this: ricky gervais plays a guy who doesnt really like anyone and doesnt like to be around anybody. all is going well in that regard, until a routine surgery ends up making it so that he can see and hear the dead. suddenly they are all pestering him to help them out with something. one dead guy in particular, greg kinnear, wants him to help him make things right with his widowed wife. gervais starts to fall for her, and the typical romantic comedy hijinx ensue.
the only thing that makes this movie passable is gervais and his hysterical delivery of lines! there was one scene in particular where he his talking about teeth that had me laughing uncontrollably out loud (which is really embarrassing when watching it on a plane...). over all, its not really worth spending your time on, a whole movie for one funny moment? pass.

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