
after all the hype and hoopla, diana wanted to watch it again and suckered me into watching it with her. i decided to try and enjoy it even though i know it's not meant for me (and by me, i mean my entire gender). turns out, its not as bad as i had expected- it's certainly not good, but its not terrible either. well, at least it wouldn't have been terrible if not for one big mistake: the director. the story itself wasnt that bad, its a rather harmless little tale of a sad little girl who falls for the wrong mysterious boy who happens to be a vampire. the vampires themselves are perfectly harmless. actually, they are a bit too harmless- they should be vampires, after all! this could have been a decent movie if they had gotten someone with any sort of skill to direct it. at every opportunity the director uses cheesy camera effects and terrible angles to catch the action. there is never any sense of perspective or understanding about where the action is taking place. if ive said it once, ive said it a million times- you need establishing shots!!! we are brought to different locations without really being shown where we are, the action is always close up so we never get any sense of scale or flow, and there are just too many shots of people standing around brooding. and dont even get me started on the lame dialog (granted, i know that's not really the directors fault, but i'm on a roll here...).i know my wife will drag me to the sequel, but at least i can take comfort in the fact that the next one has a different director!

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