shooting gallery

i first got this movie around the time that i fell in love with the film 'poolhall junkies', and came recommended by a couple friends. this one is another movie about playing pool, it stars freddie prinze jr. as the pool shark who is trying to get revenge for his brother's death at the hands of a poolhall owner, played by ving rhames. he decides to try and seek revenge by destroying the owner from the inside. he infiltrates the operation and becomes one of his trusted men. there are a bunch of twists and turns, and then a few more twists, which ultimately leads to the confrontation- over a game of pool, of course! i didn't really get into it though, its not nearly as good at 'poolhall junkies', partly because there are too many twists and switched allegiances for us to really care very deeply about any of the characters (are they good? are they bad? oh, they're good, but now they're bad, except now they're good again...). also, for a pool movie, there doesnt seem to be that much pool playing, which is its ultimate downfall- if i want a cops and robbers movie i'll go watch one, i came here for the pool!

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