
there are some movies you know going in are going to be pretty lame. this is one of those movies. the set up is this: 50 years ago a girl wrote a list of numbers and it was put into a time capsule. when it is dug up, nicolas cage realizes that it has been foretelling when horrific disasters will happen. he pieces it together and realizes that the last one written will be the apocalypse! cage tries his best to warn everyone, but no one will listen. so, he takes his boy and tries to find somewhere to hide so they can survive. pretty basic so far, but then it all goes really weird at the end. this is one of those movies where no one is actually acting like a real human being, they all use cheesy cliches like 'i think i've got a plan!' and then proceed to leave everyone in the dark but just run around with a determined look on his face. as far as the story line goes, logic has no place in this movie. the action builds and builds, we are never told where it is going, but something is definitely going to happen. something does happen, and boy is it stupid! the ending looses all semblance of reality and the movie looses all semblance of being worth while.

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