man on wire

this was an interesting little find, its a documentary about a french man who loves to walk the tight rope. it seems that back when the world trade center buildings were being built there was a guy who actually walked from the top of one tower over to the other tower! he didnt exactly have permission to do it, but that was part of the fun. the film interviews him and others who were involved in this great prank. the tight rope walker, philippe petit, saw the towers and really wanted to walk them. he had done many other stunts over the years leading up to this one, which we hear him talk about, but this was the one that brought him to the states and gained him a lot of notoriety. having never known about this event, the whole movie was pretty interesting. its mostly filled with footage of his different stunts, interviews, a recreation of how they did it, and some of the actual footage of the walk itself. to listen to him talk about it you gain a huge sense of how he thought this was such an important thing. its very fascinating, to say the least. we also get to see what the result of this event was, showing news footage from his subsequent arrest and infamy. a pretty interesting story.

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