moulin rouge!

the first time i watched this movie i dismissed it because of the chaotic feel of everything that was going on. it gave me a spinning headache, so i tossed it aside as a jumbled mess of a movie. recently my wife convinced me to give it another try. turns out i was wrong- way wrong! the chaos that is going on is intentional and actually improves the whole movie. the story is all about love, the main character, played by ewan mcgregor, accidentally finds himself face to face with nicole kidman- who he instantly falls for. as the two of them fall further and further in love the chaos around them swells with over wrought joy and pandemonium! the songs, mostly taken from modern hits, meshed and changed to fit the story, are soaringly beautiful. even though the two leads do not have the greatest of voices, they more than make up for it with passion! i guess the first time i watched it i didnt see the beauty of the forest because i was too overwhelmed by all those trees! after giving it a second look, i now understand what all the fuss was about- this movie is fantastic! no wonder the movie has an exclamation point in its title...

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