
jeffry lee and i rented this one once on a random walk-through of the video store. we knew we wanted to watch a movie, but didnt exactly know what to get. often times this ends in us watching some terrible movies, but other times it can lead to some interesting finds. i'm not sure which category this one fall into...
this is a french movie, but in english (not quite sure how that works, but go with it). it starts with a strange premise that the egyptian gods all live in a floating pyramid above a big futuristic city. one of the gods is sentenced to die, but before he does, he gets to spend one day living among the mortals. he finds a host in a resistance fighter who recently (accidentally) got out of jail. there are a bunch of strange things about this movie (as if you hadnt realized all ready...), such as the unexplained girl who seems to molt like a bird and cries blue tears. well, the god/resistance fighter finds here and decides he must have sex with her. many many times. all the while there is a private detective trying to find them for some reason.
to tell you the truth, i dont really understand this one. why do they try to collect her blue tears? why do we sometimes see the resistance fighter, and other times see the bird headed god? what does the detective have to do with anything? why are some actors computer generated, while others are not? why is there a pyramid floating over a city? why all the sex?!? i'm sorry, i dont have any answers for you, and neither did this movie.

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