(500) days of summer

this is a pretty good movie. its kind of a chick flick, but its still quite good. the story takes the traditional love story, but jumbles it all up. it follows joseph gordon-levitt as he meets and falls in love with a girl named summer. the interesting thing about this movie though, is that we jump in and out of the days they have been together which are shown out of order. which means that we see the relationship as its ending even before we get to see them 'meet cute'. due to the mixed up order of events, we see an unusual view of what these two go through in their relationship. another difference between this love story and most is that its the boy who is head over heels in love, and the girl who is slightly aloof. this movie is exactly what the tag line for it says: this is not a love story, its a story about love. and as it turns out, its not necessarily about thier love together. an interesting take, and one worth watching.

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