the proposal

i wanted to see this one in the theater, but for some reason my wife did not. i enjoy a good sandra bullock movie, and i'm always up for a ryan reynolds flick, so i figured this would be right up my alley. it was pretty good too, a minor entry into the chick flick cannon. the set up is that reynolds works for bullock and she is a mean demanding boss. she is from canada and finds herself about to loose her job because her visa ran out. she cons reynolds into marrying her for a green card. the government employee isnt buying it, so bullock invites herself to see his family up in alaska to prove that its true. reynolds must try to keep up the scam in front of his family, and hilarity ensues... well, i wouldnt go so far as to say hilarity, but it is pretty harmless fun. for my money, ryan reynolds is one of the funniest actors around, so its pretty hard to have him in a movie and there not to be at least a few good laughs. the whole thing is pretty predictable, but its fun none the less.

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