true romance

this movie seems to hold a high place in cinema because it is written by quinten tarentino. that may be, but it is written poorly! the story starts with christian slater's character working at a comic book store. a woman comes in and hits it off with him and they have a whirlwind romance. we soon find out that the woman is actually a prostitute paid for by slater's boss because he thinks slater needs to get out more. the two of them are in love none the less, and now they need to find a way to get her away from her pimp. poor decisions are made by everyone in the movie, and theres a huge gunfight that ends with slater and his girl on the run. by the end of the film there are a bunch of different sides, the mob, the police, the pimp, and slater who have a grand showdown. since its tarentino, it must of course end in a blood bath. yes, tarentino does a great job with the interesting conversations his characters have along the way. but the big problem for me is that no one acts in a way that would be even remotely interpreted as rational. everyone in this thing does the exact opposite of what a logical human would do. because of that i did not care at all what happened to these people and when so many were left dead it was of no consequence.

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