
its always interesting to look back on movies that were about cutting edge technology and see just how wrong they got it. well, this one was pretty monumental in how wrong they got it! the film tries to make computers seem like the new cool punk thing to do, and those who know how to use them are rockstars. um, actually they are pretty nerdy, no matter how much you try to convince us otherwise! the movie follows a group of computer hackers as they 'fight the system'. one of the gang hacks in to a corporate system and saves a random files so he can prove just how cool he is. unfortunately the file he copied was the one file that could cause terrible things if it were to get into the wrong hands, so the company's tech guy, also played to be a total rockstar badass, has to go and get the file by any means necessary.
yeash, all of this sounds way more interesting than it actually is! this one is truly bad. i was watching it in the living room and my wife, who has sat through some real stinkers, had to get up and leave because it was making her mad at just how stupid the movie is. i cant blame her. i did get a good laugh out of how they try to make typing look exciting! as the characters are at their computers, we see all kinds of graphics of number and letter floating around them, the camera swirling, the rock music blaring. sorry, its still not exciting to watch someone type. the only reason this movie is still remembered instead of being lost to the sands of time is the fact that it stars angelina jolie. she was firmly in her 'bad girl' phase, trying to be hard by pouting her lips and folding her arms. just embarrassing, really. not just for jolie, but everyone involved.

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