
ugh.  i guess its self fulfilling prophecy, but i knew i wouldn't like it and, surprise surprise, i didn't.  i know it was huge when it came out, but i only just now have gotten around to seeing it.  i don't really care for seth macfarlane, to be honest, i've never liked 'family guy' or any of the other imitations that he came up with, so i guess i shouldn't be stunned to find that i don't care for his big screen work either.  the story is about a boy who wishes his teddy bear would come alive and be his best friend.  it comes true and they all live happily every after.  this movie takes that premise and asks 'what would that relationship look like twenty five years later?'  turns out that he never grew up and now he's in his mid thirties and still acting like a child, and having his teddy bear around hasn't helped issues at all.  its a rather interesting and fun starting point for a story, but it doesn't really go beyond that idea.  it basically plays out each and every generic trope that one would expect.  in fact, it kind of plays like a romantic comedy between the guy and his bear.  the girl, mila kunis, is merely there to be the obstacle between the two.  she becomes someone who is trying to tear them apart.  the whole movie is terribly predictable and is mostly just pop culture reference after pop culture reference (although, should that really come as a surprise to anyone who knows macfarlane's style?).  the movie is obsessed with the flash gordon movie from the eighties.  that not being a touchstone of my youth (to be honest, i've never even seen it), all the references to it were lost on me.  i'm sure people who love macfarlane's stuff will totally adore this movie, but it was certainly not for me!

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