a quick weekend list

saw a ton of movies this weekend. rex came down to visit, so we had to do some movie watchin'! a really brief review of each:

saw 2- it was alright. nothing too amazing. i liked the first one, but this one isnt quite as good. the characters were amazingly idiotic in each situation and there wasnt really any sort of tension to any of the situations. mostly gore, not much thrill.

primer- wow. ive seen this movie a dozen times or so, and it just does not get old. the ideas behind the time travel paradoxes and possibilities still blows me away. i could easily watch it 5 times in one day... again.

the big empty- it was fun. not that great, not that bad, but it was fun. the storyline was too crazy and unreal to really be taken seriously, but it was enjoyable to watch.

hitchhikers guide to the galaxy- saw it again. rex hadnt seen it yet. i think i reviewed it earlier. check out the archives.

pootie tang- i was actually impressed with this movie. i am a big fan of undercover brother, and i had just thought that this was a poor mans version of that movie. i was wrong. undercover brother is a spoof of the blaxplotation movies and james bond, pootie tang is a straight up comedy, and a good one at that.

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