movie catch-up

i was sick this weekend, so i got to do alot of movie watchin'. so, here is a quick rundown of what i wasted my time doing:

a series of unfortunate events- i started watching it, and then i actually stopped it after about 20 minutes in. i have read the first book in the series and i knew the movie was based on the first three books. i didnt turn it off because i didnt like it, rather, i turned it off because i was reminded that i actually did like the book. so i decided to stop the movie and rerent it after i read the other books. (all my rentals were from the library, so if i dont watch them, it doesnt matter bacouse its free anyway!) so, i guess ill have to postpone judgement on this one...

lords of dogtown- the beginning was interesting and held my attention, but i got bored quickly and actually fell asleep about an hour in. i didnt really feel compelled to go back and finish it. but i must say, the cameo by mitch hedberg was pure genius!!!

For love of the game- i really dont like baseball that much, but i totally love a kevin costner baseball movie! i must admit, actually, i love almost all costner movies- even waterworld and postman. the structure of this movie is actually quite well done. its the pitcher's last game of his career and also the night his wife walked out on him. the relationship unfolds in flashbacks as the game gets more and more intense. the pacing was really good, at the movie progresses the story pulls you in and you find yourself caring more and more about the game and his relationship with his wife. it is quite excellent.

Passion of the christ- i havent actually seen this one since it was in theaters a couple years ago. i was very impressed with it when i saw it the first time. the catholic symbolism almost takes you out of the experience. almost. for a new experience, i decided to watch it without the subtitles. i actually really enjoyed it without having any idea what they are saying. it amps up the emotions of the film, all you can rely on is the acting and expressions to understand what is going on.

steping into liquid- directv had a free preview of shotime this weekend. they really didnt have anything good on, but i gave this documentary a try after a recommendation from a friend. its about the world of surfing. it was fascinating. i didnt know that much about surfing so it was quite interesting. the best part was when a few of the guys decide to go in the middle of the ocean and try to catch the biggest wave they can. one of the guys actually caught a wave over 65 feet tall! the thing about this type of movie is that i always wonder how they can possibly get some of those amazing camera shots they get?!?

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