let me defend that statement- i am a huge supporter of m. night shyamalan, i have been a fan ever since 'sixth sense'. i loved that movie very much. i loved 'unbreakable' even more, i would put it on the top five movies i have ever seen. 'signs' was great, loved 'the village', i even enjoyed 'lady in the water', so my statement above i write with sadness. and its not just the twist endings, his movies have always been so good that they stand up to repeat viewing because of the strong writing. m. night has always been so good with his stories and with his dialog. the way he handles a couple about to divorce and giving it another try in 'unbreakable' is moving and honest. the relationship between the two brothers with different beliefs in 'signs' was truthful and poignant. but 'the happening'? complete and total crap.
where do i even begin? the story is idiotic and the writing is borderline retarded. the story is about a sudden attack from some viral infection that kills everyone it touches. we follow a small group of people as they try to outrun it. basic enough, but with a lot of opportunities to do something interesting with it. none of those opportunities are taken. everything in the movie is so bad i dont know if i can only blame shymalan, or if the actors should be at fault too. it almost seems like the director told them to put less emotion into it, that they were acting too natural. the characters are so stiff and robotic that it has to be a joke. wouldnt someone at some point during the filming or editing process maybe have said 'look, night, this is terrible, we cant release something this bad!' or maybe this is the result of some sort of bet with his friends where he said 'i can make the worst movie ever, and people will still see it because its got my name on it!'. looks like he won, and we all lost.
here, let me offer up these actual lines from the movie as proof of its quality: "you know, I think hot dogs get a bad wrap...you like hot dogs, dontcha?", "Why you eyeing my lemon drink?", "We can't just stand here as uninvolved observers!", "she said she was going to the town of Princeton". dont worry, they dont make much more sense in context. at one point the main characters are standing around a parking lot and one asks 'how are we going to get out of here without a car?' just then a car pulls up behind them, and another character points to it and says 'look, a car. maybe we can catch a ride with them!' and yes, it was performed about as 'community theater' like as it sounds. the characters always seem to be in just the right place at the right times, they always happen to turn on the radio or tv just in time to hear exactly what they need to, and they sure do love to talk to themselves! right from the very first line it became apparent that this one was meant for the likes of 'mystery science theater 3000'.
i implore you, do not go see this movie. it already got my 8 bucks, let this be a warning to you, i took one for the team here so you dont have to.
I read an interview with M. Night that stated he was trying to make a "B" Movie and by your comments it seems that he succeeded. I haven't seen it but I heard a guy literally lays down in front of his lawn mower. Some people have even said it took everything that they had not to laugh through the entire thing and how bad it was.
i think the 'b' movie thing is just to cover his own butt. notice how he never makes mention to such aspirations with the film until hundreds of critics start tearing it and him apart. its his way of saying, 'no, i meant to make something this crappy, honest!' and im not buying it.
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