the incredible hulk

i went to go see this over the weekend and loved it! its kind of strange for them to restart the whole hulk thing only five years after the last one. now, there are a lot of people who give the other hulk movie a lot of grief but i dont really understand why. i really enjoyed the older one. sure, it was a bit more cerebral then it needed to be, but i found it interesting. and i really loved the comic art frames that the director used. the could have done without the hulk dogs, but the rest i enjoyed.
anyway, here we are with a reboot of the hulk. the movie recaps the first one in about the first minute! they sure get that whole origin stuff out of the way fast. we find bruce banner running from the law and trying to create an antidote to the thing that happens to him. hes been trying to keep his heart rate down by taking meditation classes and everything. well, soon enough the government is on to him and the chase begins. it leads back to america and confronting an equally powerful nemisis: the abomination!
the film does a great job of making bruce banner, and in turn the hulk, a very believable person. edward norton does a great job of showing the conflicted nature of banner as he tries to find a cure, and hating his other half for putting people in danger. the action is intense, and the bad guy finally gives him a fair challenge. this is the movie everyone seemed to want when the last one came out- tons of action, a good story, and the uttering of the popular 'hulk smash!' phrase. this movie does the same thing that 'iron man' before it did: makes us care about a character, and shows us the awe of seeing a real superhero in action.

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