transformers: revenge of the fallen

wow, what a load of crap this movie is. i had heard terrible things about it, but for some reason i still wanted to see for myself. sometimes when people talk about a movie being bad, i still want to see it because it might just be a fun kind of bad. well, this one wasnt. it was a bad kind of bad. the story (if you can call it that) is set a few years after the first one and our hero is heading off to college. turns out that the transformers arent done with him yet, and the action begins. and then it never stops. the problems with this film are many, here are just a couple: first, all the transformers look alike, when they are in battle (which happens to be all the time) it is so hard to make any sense of what is going on because they all look the same!!! another problem comes from the characterizations of the robots, there are a couple of them that are really really terrible stereotypes that every time they were on screen i would cringe with disgust! another problem with the film is that it seems like everything has to be over the top. not just over the top, but over the top of the top! let me give you an example: not only does the main character have to have a barking dog, but that dog has to be humping another barking dog, not only that, but they have to be humping on the couch, and again later on a bird feeder?!? that doesnt even make sense! and that example is in the first 5 minutes of the movie- it gets much worse from there!
i guess that will teach me to buy into the advertising hype...

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