about a boy

i'll admit it, i'm a sucker for hugh grant. i know his charms are supposed to work on the ladies, but i fall for it as well (not entirely sure what that says about me...). this film is a romantic comedy, except that it isnt. hugh grant plays a millionaire bachelor with nothing but time on his hands but no interest in sharing that time with others. no man is an island, but he sure is trying to be one! he doesnt mind one night stand visitors though... through a strange connection, he meets a 13 year old boy who latches on to him. the boy has no father at home and a suicidal mother, and is terribly gawky and awkward. all he wants is a place to feel safe and he finds that with grant. through the course of the movie the two of them form a bond that changes both of them for the better.
the main draw of this movie is obviously grant, but another aspect that i really liked is that this is a romantic comedy for guys. there doesnt end up bring any sort of cheesy romance, instead it focuses on a guy who learns its time to grow up. when i first saw the movie i related very closely with the hugh grant character (not the millionaire part, but the island part). seeing it again i relate even closer with him, but the him he becomes at the end of the movie. all in all, a great chick flick for guys!

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