g. i. joe

going to see this was not my choice, i like to believe that i have better taste then that. the guys came down for the weekend and were all really excited (for reasons i cant imagine) to see this movie. so we went. and boy, did it suck hard!
i would try to summarize the movie first, but i'm not entirely convinced that there was a storyline to begin with. it really just felt like they had some ideas for action scenes and filled in some random talky bits in between just to fill the time requirement. was the movie good? oh, by no means could i say it was anywhere near good. so, what was wrong with it? everything. its done by the same guy who directed 'the mummy' and its sequel, and 'van helsing', so you know the whole point of the film is just to 'look cool' and sell some toys (the film was co-produced by a hasbro, a toy company after all...). the problem is that nothing in it looked good! even the free gimme of the black ninja 'snake eyes' was screwed up- they gave him lips?!? what the?!? ok, do you really want me to give you an example of how stupid the movie is? well here goes: at one point they are in an underwater base under the arctic circle (dont ask) and are afraid that some bombs are going to go off and blow up the surface and it will all come raining down on them and destroy the base. there is just one problem: the surface of the arctic circle is pure ice, they can bomb it all they want because ice doesnt sink! the base would not be affected by this in the slightest- the base is under water!!! they then proceed to blow the bombs and the ice, defying the laws of physics, sink to the bottom and destroy the base. wow. to say nothing of the random background guys who are busy burning the walls in the hallways of the base...
i guess what i'm trying to say is this: dont bother. i went to see it so you don't have to. who's the 'real american hero' now, joe?

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