hard rain

honestly, the only reason i remembered this movie was because i am a
big jars of clay fan and i knew their song 'flood' was on the soundtrack.
also, christian slater and morgan freeman make a pretty good cast, so
i figured i wasnt in for anything too terrible, right? the story follows a
couple of armored truck drivers trying to empty out the banks in a
flooded area so it doesnt float away. well, as happens any time there is
an armored truck in a movie, it gets robbed. slater, the driver, takes
the money and hides it before the bad guys, freeman, can get it. the movie is them a cat and mouse game of trying to stay one step ahead
of the bad guys, even when there are good guys who become bad and
bad guys who become good. over all the film is pretty basic, but the
added element of a town thats flooded, with water levels rising, is
pretty interesting. one thing i kept thinking when they would show
wide shots was 'how did they do that?!? this thing must have cost a
fortune to make!' some of the stuff with the rising water is pretty
thrilling, but over all its just ok.

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