mummy: tomb of the emperor king

this movie seemed to be an exercise in lack of self restraint. not fans of the whole 'less is more' idea, instead they seemed to go with this approach: more is more, and more than that is even morer! i can just imagine the boardroom conversations as they were writing this one: lets have this one be about a chinese emperor! ok! how about a million terracotta soldiers? ok! how about an immortal witch? ok! with an immortal daughter? ok! got to have the obligatory love story. ok! how about having big foot? ok! and shangri-la? ok! and a three headed dragon? ok! wow, this is going to be the greatest movie ever!
its not. it starts off poorly, and then gets worse from there. i think we all know full well that this thing sucks, so there really is no reason to go through and explain why. i'll just leave it at that.

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