day of wrath

i am an unabashed fan of christopher lambert, so when i saw this one at the movie place, i knew i needed to see it.  he wa so much fun in highlander and mortal kombat, i will see him in anything.  now, keep in mind, i don't think he's a great actor or he is in great movies, but i do know that i don't care how bad he or they are.  a buddy and i got this one along with a bunch more in order to have a late night movie-thon, we were expecting to get some movies that were so bad they were good and just have a good time making fun of them.  well, this one turned out to be something quite unexpected- its actually a movie with a message.  the whole story hinges on a series of murders and the implication that its motivated by antisemitism.  it turned out to be much better than anticipated!

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